Latino Enrollment Institute
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use Title funds to pay the registration fee?
Yes! We strongly encourage schools to access Title II (professional development) and Title III (English language learners) funds to defray the cost of participating in the LEI. On average, 65% of schools use Title funds to cover the cost of the LEI. Once a school is accepted, we can, upon request, send the principal an invoice, a W9, and an agenda that will satisfy the local education agencies (LEAs).
What do you look for in school candidates?
The LEI team typically looks for schools with a motivated principal and demographics favorable to adding more Latino students. Applicants must commit to the summer conference, year-long mentorship, and January mid-year retreat.
Who should I bring with me to the summer conference?
Since a principal's capacity to implement important and lasting changes is often accentuated by the support of a staff/faculty member with whom he or she works closely, we ask that you thoughtfully consider who you choose to attend the summer conference with you. Below are a few suggestions. As a reminder, the registration fee includes accommodations, meals, and materials at the summer institute for two people (three if the third person is the school pastor).- Admissions Director
- President
- Vice Principal Administrative Assistant / Front Office Manager
- Enrollment and Marketing Coordinator
- Business Manager
- School Board Member
- Teacher
- Parent Volunteer / madrina
- I am not a principal. Can I attend the LEI in place of my principal?
Our experience has shown that the principal is often the most important lever for change in a school. Thus, for a school to be eligible to participate in the LEI, the principal must commit to attending the summer conference and taking part in all follow-up activities.
We understand that high schools often have a different organizational structure than elementary schools, and the principal may not, in fact, be the person to enact many of the strategies presented at the LEI. While we still strongly encourage the principal or president to attend, if he/she elects another leader in the school to take on this initiative, who has the proper authority to carry out various activities identified in the action plan, it may be possible for that person to attend in place of the principal.
I would like to attend the summer conference, but I do not want to participate in the online modules and the monthly video calls with the team and the LEI mentor. Can I still come to the LEI?
Unfortunately, no. The follow-up aspect of our program is essential to growing Latino enrollment and serving the needs of Latino students. The CSA offers another conference, Adelante, that might be a better fit for principals who are unable to participate in or do not desire any follow-up.
I am not a principal, but I am still very interested in learning how to more effectively engage Latino families in our Catholic school community. Can I still participate in the LEI?
Because the LEI is specifically geared toward implementing school-level change, only school applications, in which the principal agrees to the aforementioned guidelines, will be considered.Individuals interested in attending a conference focused on many of the same themes as the LEI, and who are not able to apply with a school team, may consider attending Adelante.
What is the application timeline?
Applications to attend the 2025 summer conference (June 22-25) and join the 13th cohort are now open. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis until February 28, 2025.
What if I register and can no longer attend?
In order to be eligible for a refund, cancellations for the Latino Enrollment Institute summer conference must be submitted to Jocelyn Smith via email 30 days prior to the event.
What is the closest airport to the University of Notre Dame?
The closest airport is South Bend International Airport (SBN), which is about a 12-minute cab ride to the University of Notre Dame. It is often more expensive than other major hubs, but this largely depends on where you are traveling from. Midway International Airport and O'Hare International Airport are both in Chicago, and the commute on average is about two hours. Both airports are considerably less expensive to fly into. Midway is a bit closer to campus than O'Hare, and is also the smaller of the two airports.
What are the accommodations like?
The on-campus accommodations that are included in the $1,500 registration fee are for two people, each in their own individual room, in a university residence hall (dorms). The dorms are clean and conveniently located, but they are very basic. They are furnished with a twin bed, a desk, a closet unit, and a sink. There are communal bathrooms for each hallway.
Example of a dorm room in a Notre Dame residence hall.
While the convenience of the on-campus residence halls is hard to beat, we understand that dorm life may not be for everyone. In the past, we have had a good number of participants exercise the option to stay in a hotel nearby. Should you choose to forego the dorms, we recommend the Inn at Saint Mary's and the Hilton Garden Inn, which are located nextdoor to one another across the street from campus. Please note, however, that participants who choose this option will be responsible for making their own hotel reservation and the associated cost. The hotel provides a complimentary breakfast and we will provide shuttle service from the hotel to campus.
Still have questions? Contact Jocelyn Smith (