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"It is hard to imagine a better gift that leaders of Catholic schools can leave to later generations of Catholic faithful."

Dr. Luis Fraga
Rev. Donald P. McNeill, C.S.C., Professor of Transformative Latino Leadership
Director of the Institute for Latino Studies
University of Notre Dame

Dual-language immersion schooling is a pedagogically successful, academically rich, intercultural program of education policy and practice.  Because faith and culture play a central role in Catholic education, dual-language programs are an ideal fit for Catholic school communities. Recognizing this promise, the English as a New Language program supports the implementation and growth of dual-language immersion programs in addition to researching the model.




Here at ENL, we look forward to this continued partnership as we explore the full potential of two-way immersion in Catholic schools, and we invite you to check back for periodic updates about the growth of this program.

To learn more about how Notre Dame supports dual language immersion programs in Catholic schools, please contact Katy Lichon at