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2017 Midsummer Photo Essay


ACE Summer photographer Andrew Hamaty (ACE 22—Mission) gives an inside look at the happenings of ACE Summer 2017 thus far.

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In the historic Log Chapel, Fr. Tim Scully, CSC, celebrates Mass for teachers of St. Patrick Catholic School in Largo, FL–the newest Notre Dame ACE Academy.



Kyle Lansden of ACE OKC loves playing in the dirt during Summer Community Service.



Dr. Ryan Clark discusses the essentiality of a strong school culture with leaders of the Notre Dame ACE Academies.



At the ACE 23 Returner's Retreat, Monica Rivera of ACE New York can't get enough guacamole and smiles. They naturally go hand in hand. Taylor Kelly of ACE Richmond agrees wholeheartedly.



At the Latino Enrollment Institute, school leaders from across the country gather to learn how to make their schools welcoming to Latino families.


St. Pat

The staff of St. Patrick Catholic School, the newest Notre Dame ACE Academy, gather on the steps of Bond Hall, as did the giants of Catholic education before them.



Tommy Sullivan of ACE Dallas tosses the ol' pigskin around while repping his beloved school during Returner's Retreat. Go Falcons!



Anna Krieg of ACE Biloxi guides participants of STEM Camp to discover the insulation properties of various materials.


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Chris DeSapio of ACE Mission and Andrew Clem of ACE Austin enjoy Returner's Retreat during the first weekend of ACE Summer with their fellow ACE 23's.



ACE Sacramento feels that balance is the key to staying afloat during the first year of teaching.


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Pastors from California to Puerto Rico attend the School Pastors Institute, hosted by Fr. Joe Corpora, CSC. Each day began with attendees celebrating the Eucharist with their brother priests in the Welsh Family Hall chapel.



Pesky weeds don't stand a chance against Samantha Benz and Ellen Moriarity of ACE Tucson.


NDAA Leaders Group

Notre Dame ACE Academy leaders can be shoulder partners too! Here, they collaborate on solutions for the effective leadership of their respective schools during the Summer Summit.



Fr. Joe Corpora, CSC, preaches during a Monday night Mass, a time in which the ACE Community can come together and share a heavenly meal.


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Leaders from the Notre Dame ACE Academies gather for Mass in the Stinson-Remick Chapel.