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Building a Gratitude Wall

Written by Manny Fernandez on Thursday, 21 May 2020.

SPV Kind Screenshot 2

During the COVID-19 crisis, St. Pius V School in Providence, Rhode Island, has adhered to three core principles to persevere in their mission: 

  1. Growing the faith of their families
  2. Providing rigorous instruction via distance learning
  3. Building school community virtually

In order to bolster the third goal and boost morale with the school family, the St. Pius V staff launched SPV Kind, where community members could write a quick note of gratitude, kindness, joy, and hope.

"It was a great way for me to experience first-hand the strength of our SPV family and the love that is deeply rooted in our community."

SPV Kind is a virtual gratitude wall where the "Firedog Family," the nickname proudly used by the St. Pius V community, can post text, pictures, GIFs, or other media to thank each other or express something they are grateful for. Many of the SPV families have posted about how impressed they were with their staff and how quickly they adapted to the instructional changes. 

Advancement Director, Lauren Galven, is completing her first year with the Firedog Family, and she was given the task of managing the Padlet. “It was a great way for me to experience first-hand the strength of our SPV family and the love that is deeply rooted in our community. It has been edifying to see our families support each other and our staff during this unprecedented time.”

We invite you to read the wonderful messages on the SPV Kind Padlet. We hope that your community can use a similar tactic to spread messages of love, gratitude, and positivity. Perhaps this is even a tool to help you stay connected over the summer months, and to continue to celebrate your unique school community by encouraging families to post in multiple languages!