Ascent Research
The ACE Ascent Program is an innovative research-to-practice partnership that draws on and extends empirically supported practices by imbuing them with Catholic spirituality.

Initial Program Development

Pilot Study

Scaled Program and Evaluation
Research Questions and Foci
This aspect of the research examines the influence of the Collaborative Leadership Model on student learning in a Catholic school context.
This aspect of the research explores the role teacher leaders play in the quantity and nature of professional collaboration within and across schools.
Vocation/Faith and Reason
This aspect of the research seeks to generate new knowledge around the intersection of teacher leaders' faith lives and their professional identities as mathematics teachers while also exploring the influence of the spiritual formation dimension of the Ascent program on teacher leaders' perceptions of themselves as purveyors of faith and on their vocational commitment.
Initial Results
Social Network Growth by Role

Social Network Growth by School