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Cup of Joe: What Would You Take?

In this episode of Cup of Joe, Fr. Joe Carey, CSC and Maggie Cahill consider the deeper meaning of an important item in each of their lives.

Fr. Nate in classroom

Champions Culture Corner

You’re welcome to judge me, but I’m gonna be honest: I’m still fired up about Notre Dame football. You may (perhaps appropriately) quote me the invitation to detachment that Princess...

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Cup of Joe: Profiles in Courage

In this episode of Cup of Joe, Fr. Joe Carey, CSC and Maggie Cahill profile courage by sharing stories of two extraordinary people in their lives.

ACE Interns Maria Vaquero (Left) and Jackie Perez (Right) on the ND Football field in recognition for Extra Yard for Teachers

The Holy Spirit Has My Back

There were many things I didn’t know about Notre Dame before applying. Like how South is objectively the better of the two dining halls, or how the squirrels here only...