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ACE graduates have settled in nearly every state and dozens of countries, and most are willing and able to help others connect to careers in teaching, administration, and other service fields no matter whether they are entry-level jobs or positions that require extensive experience.

Many Catholic schools and service organizations contact ACE each year seeking high-quality, committed K-12 teachers, principals, educators, and leaders for their own openings. We welcome such job postings from Catholic schools, non-profit organizations, universities, and other Catholic education and service-related fields.

Please check the job board site frequently, as positions are updated regularly.

If you would like to submit a job posting, please use the button below and complete the job submission form. A member of our team will approve it and publish it to the Job Board within one week.

If you have any questions, please contact

Job Categories

Have a Job to Post?

Submit your info and a detailed description of your available job.  After you submit your posting, a member of our team will approve it and publish it to the Job Board within 24 hours.

Post Your Job