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Steady on the Grind

Steady on The Grind

“October and February are the toughest, longest, and most exhausting months for teachers,” they said. By “they," I mean everyone. It is well known in the community of education that...

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Cup of Joe: Advice for New Teachers

In this episode of Cup of Joe, Fr. Joe Carey, CSC and Bridgette Groden reminisce on their time in the classroom and share their advice for new teachers.

Tulips blooming in front of Notre Dame's Grotto

A Season of Uprooting and Blooming

“Entrust your works to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 Moving to a new place. Starting a new job. Adding to your family. These changes make life...

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6.0 Takeaways from BLiCSS 6.0

April 5, 2023 What are the most innovative ideas among thought leaders in blended learning in Catholic schools? Get excited because we're about to share some insider knowledge from the...

John Schoenig talking to students

Schoenig wins Parental Choice Award

John Schoenig, ACE’s senior director of teacher formation and education policy, has received the Leonard F. DeFiore Parental Choice Advocate Award from the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). The award...

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Cup of Joe: Welcome ACE 30!

In this episode of Cup of Joe, Fr. Joe Carey, CSC and Bridgette Groden welcome the ACE 30 Teaching Fellows and discuss the impact of Catholic schools.

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