Ryan Costello
Middle School Coordinator, ACE PATH
- rcostel1@nd.edu
Ryan Costello serves as the Middle School Coordinator for Pursuing Achievement Through Higher Education (PATH) program in Tucson, Arizona. In this role, he primarily serves students and graduates of St. John the Evangelist and Santa Cruz schools and their families on the road through college and to heaven.
A native of San Antonio, Ryan attended the University of Notre Dame with the dream of becoming a teacher. At Notre Dame, Ryan learned of the ACE Teaching Fellows and was blessed to be a member of its 19th cohort, serving as a middle school teacher at St. John Vianney School in Goodyear, AZ. In eight years and numerous roles, Ryan was formed in his vocation as a teacher and husband to Laura (ACE 19) by his students and their families, as well as the school and parish community at SJV. In his final years at St. John Vianney School, Ryan was blessed to grow as a school leader in the Remick Leadership Program’s 17th cohort, which led to Ryan’s four years serving as teacher and dean of students at Bourgade Catholic High School in Phoenix, Arizona.