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ACE Teaching Fellows Blog

San Jose mantel

Christmas Morning in a San Jose Summer

My principal started off our first professional development meeting of the new school year by exclaiming, “I just can’t wait for the kids to get here, the first day of...

ATF 24-25 Blog Team Collage

Introducing the 2024-25 Blog Team!

We are so excited to introduce this year’s blog team! To help you get to know these seven bloggers, we asked them to complete a brief Q&A to introduce themselves...

From left to right: Lydia Heinen, Emma Bradley, and Stephen Kurt

Every Ending is a New Beginning

“So raise up your glass, here’s to brand new beginnings And don’t shed a tear for the things that are ending Cuz tomorrow will bring us a new morning sun...

Ms. León's class holding their hands in prayer

An Ode To...

Inspired by the poem "Ode to Broken Things" by Pablo Neruda, Camila León's (ACE 29, Tulsa) class wrote a poem about their ode to 5th grade. Please enjoy the video...

Students in a circle writing on a poster

Dodging the Dog Days of the Classroom

As the end of the year approaches, students and teachers alike are bound to daydream of the impending golden beams of sunshine, refreshingly crisp watermelon slices, and countless days of...

ACE 31 Walking

Riding the April Retreat High

"It's so weird to think we won't see each other for another six weeks." "I know, right?!" I was sitting around a food court table at the Midway airport with...