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ACE Teaching Fellows Blog


Finding Grace in the Daily Drive

Whitney Lim and Raymond Moylan never know what their daily drive down Broad Street in Philadelphia will bring, but they both agree that it's grace-filled. As first-year teachers in ACE...


A First Communion and a New Community

Photo credit: Morgan Hale (ACE 27 - Jacksonville) As a student at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, Nick Hughes (ACE 27, Detroit) was trying to learn...


Choosing Joy

Sometimes we have teachers that touch our lives in ways we only discover once we are well past their class in our lives. Those teachers can be few and far...

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The Aspect of Love

"You're an ACE teacher?!" one student exclaimed during a brief chat after her soccer game. "All the ACE teachers are so nice!" I've met most of the people who deserve...


Forming Educators from a Distance

At the beginning of 2020, who would have foreseen that this would become the year of Zoom calls? Our day-to-day lives have been transformed by the need to social distance...


Leadership in Teaching and Coaching

As a high school soccer and middle school volleyball coach, I've had to talk about leadership to several students, so I've spent some time pondering this question: What makes a...


Finding Hope from a Distance

I've grown accustomed to a new norm as a teacher: sleeping in. Instead of my usual 6 a.m. alarm, since March 16th my alarm has gone off at 7:45, with...


The Remaining Pages

Joe DiSipio is a member of ACE 25 in Sacramento, where he taught fifth grade for the last two years at Saint John Vianney School in Rancho Cordova, California. When...


A Time for Everything

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and...