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Brick by Brick: The Path Forward

by Joseph Baah (ACE 32 Ambassador)

Joseph Baah smiling to someone off camera while presenting at Early Commit Institute

Joseph Baah and friendsPicture this: your best friend’s mother gets you a summer job at an enrichment program. You’re 17 years old, with no prior work or teaching experience. Growing up you’ve never thought about being an educator. You thought about being a police officer, fire fighter, even Barnes and Noble manager, but never teacher. Suddenly, you’re in charge of a class of about 20 rambunctious second graders, bursting with energy. You’re scared, unsure if you can handle the task ahead. You doubt whether you can be what these students need. 

But then, without warning, their energy ignites yours. Their smiles and laughter ease your anxiety. Their joy awakens something within you that had long been dormant. You begin to fall in love with the act of standing before them, not just as a teacher but as someone who cares deeply for their growth and well-being. You give them your heart, day after day, and in return, they give you their trust, their laughter, and their light. Each student’s name becomes etched into your heart, carried with you both in and out of the classroom. They become more than just your students—they become part of your chosen family, a bond that extends far beyond the walls of the classroom. That’s what one summer with students did for me. 

Joseph Baah and friendsWhen I first attended an informational session about ACE Teaching Fellows, I immediately felt emotions reminiscent of my time with those students. I saw the passion in the presenter’s eyes as they described how the program had transformed their lives—not only as educators but also in their faith, leadership, and community. They spoke about finding purpose and passion in their work. Hearing these ACErs share their experiences drew me closer to the idea of becoming an educator. I began to believe I was destined to be in the classroom, serving students from all walks of life. Their words illuminated a future that aligned with God’s vision for me, and it felt like our paths converging was a sign from above to follow willingly. I wanted to provide that same sense of direction and purpose to others who were still searching for their path. 

That’s when I learned about the ACE Ambassador Program, where students can share ACE’s message and introduce others to the program. It was the perfect opportunity for me to offer others the same guidance and support ACE had given me. As an Ambassador, I could walk with people through their discernment process, connect with them personally, and introduce them to a world they hadn’t yet discovered. Being part of the Ambassador Program has given me the courage to step into new spaces and embrace opportunities that once seemed out of reach. It awakened a passion within me to serve as an educator and a leader, and it deepened my connection to my faith and purpose. Through the Ambassador Program, I’ve found the opportunity to inspire others and help
them navigate their own paths with clarity and confidence. ACE has shown me the impact one can have in the lives of students and communities, and I am committed to continuing this work, sharing my experiences, and helping others discover their own callings in education and service.