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ACE Teachers before ACE Marathon in Atlanta

One Step at a Time

What do distance running, teaching, and discipleship have in common? Hills. Lots of hills. Energy was high going into ACE race weekend—an opportunity to race and see some of the...

ACE Interns Maria Vaquero (Left) and Jackie Perez (Right) on the ND Football field in recognition for Extra Yard for Teachers

The Holy Spirit Has My Back

There were many things I didn’t know about Notre Dame before applying. Like how South is objectively the better of the two dining halls, or how the squirrels here only...

Elizabeth Watters Schwartze

A Generational Legacy of Catholic Education

“In a way, ACE has always been a part of me.” Elizabeth recounts warmly, “Both my parents worked in Catholic education for more than 40 years.” Born in San Francisco...

Becky Teaching

Thank You, Nativity Academy

Dear Nativity Academy, Your old, brick building has become my home. From the gym, where I enter every morning while it’s still dark out and hear the heavy metal door...

Winsch ILA headshot

Winsch Sparks Classroom Drama

“Drama transforms classroom spaces,” says Jackie Winsch (ACE 24, Philadelphia). It improves: And this list is just scratching the surface. When using drama in classrooms, according to Jackie, teachers are...

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