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Daara Jalili

Q&A with Daara Jalili: Domer Dozen 2022

From classroom teaching to fighting fires, Daara Jalili has taken his own path since graduating from Notre Dame and becoming an ACE teacher. He was named one of the Domer...

Andy Shannon and Anna Egalite

Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way

As I began my 33rd year in Catholic schools this past year, I searched for a professional development relationship that would breathe new life into my tired mind and body...

Hiker with arms stretched out looking at sunset

Being Authentically YOU: Habits of Wellness

As we reflect on Mental Health Awareness Month, the Program for Inclusive Education (PIE) believes that educators need to be intentional about their own wellness. Thus, PIE offers the following...

Mr. Sachen's Singers

How Can We Keep from Singing?

During my first week of teaching religion, I like to go through different types of prayers with my class. I know that they are used to the canonical prayers that...

Viri walking outside with with LEAD

The Lasting Impact of a Latino Leader

When Viridiana Vargas was in seventh grade, she had a life-changing encounter with a visitor to her social studies class that began with a seemingly simple question: “Where are you...

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