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Vickey McBride receiving Pressley Award from John Staud

Go with God. God Goes with You.

“Go with God. God goes with you” is a sentiment that sticks with Vickey McBride in more ways than one. Through the roles she’s played at Saint Martin de Porres...

Blog Team Collage

Meet the New Blog Team!

To help you get to know this year’s ACE Teaching Fellows blog team, we asked them to complete a brief Q&A to introduce themselves. Throughout the school year, you’ll get...

Trinter teaching math to ACE teachers

Trinter wins Christ the Teacher Award

The 2023 Christ the Teacher Award was presented yesterday to Chrissy Trinter, the director of the ACE Ascent Program who teaches mathematics education courses as a member of ACE's faculty...

Sr. Draru speaks to class while Fr. Bechina listens

Sr. Draru, Fr. Bechina vist ACE

Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, doesn’t remember the name of her first teacher, but she’ll never forget her impact. As a child in Uganda, Draru and her siblings walked eight...

ACE Commencement

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