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Discernment Series

A five-week series of reflections and questions to help navigate the waters of professional discernment

We are excited to introduce the ACE Advocates' 5 week Discernment Series. Each segment includes a reflection with questions for processing. The goal is not to magically discover what comes next; as you already know, discernment is a journey, with a different timeline for each person. The hope is that by setting aside a reasonable amount of time to walk through these questions, individually, with friends, or even in community, you will have engaged some important questions and have a firmer foundation upon which to navigate these waters. 

As always, please know that we at ACE Advocates are a resource for any questions that you may have. We look forward to walking this next part of the journey with you!


The ACE Advocates Team
Fr. Lou DelFra
Sarah Perkins
Garrett Mandeville
Pat Graff

Week One - A Journey of the Heart
Week Two - What Brings You Joy?
Week Three - What are You Good at?
Week Four - Who Does the World Need Me to Be?
Week Five - Our Primary Vocation