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Seven Last Words of Christ - Reflection 6


"It is finished." John 19: 30


Jesus was given a jar of sour wine, drank and then said, "it is finished." 

Mary, some women and John were standing at the foot of the cross.  They stayed with Jesus and heard these words and helped them to be the first to discover the meaning of this death. They were to learn that the death of Jesus is not an ending. Rather, it is the beginning of the ongoing ministry of the Church which we share in.  

We see lots of endings and beginnings. When Pope Benedict resigned we wondered what his ending would bring to the Church. The Conclave was held and we were surprised with the selection of Pope Francis I.  There was an ending and we have seen a new beginning has brought joy, hope and new life to the world.


What being finished or ending have you experienced in your life which has brought new life to you?


Lord, help us to stand at the foot of the cross in order to come to know the full meaning of endings and beginnings.  May we see by your death and resurrection our lives find meaning. We pray through Christ. Amen