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Left to Right: Gretchen and Vince Friedman, Jessica and Kevin Diggins

A Support Like No Other

Throughout the years, ACE has had a few sets of siblings come through Teaching Fellows (including Jimmy and Patrick Ryan, who we interviewed last year). Our 30th cohort of ACE...

Tutor works with student

$640,000 AmeriCorps award to support TutorND

The University of Notre Dame has received a $640,000 grant from AmeriCorps that will allow it to continue serving children in the South Bend area and in schools working with...

Dominic Fanelli receiving Pressley Award from John Staud

Fanelli wins Michael Pressley Award

Dominic Fanelli’s journey through Catholic education has taken him down many roads, but each led him back to a school that feels like home. For his continued commitment to Catholic...