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The Power of Yes: Lauren May's Impactful Career in K-12 Education

by Joe Thursby

Lauren May in classroom with student, smiling for camera.

“Yes”—this simple, one-syllable word—holds immense potential to change personal and professional trajectories. Lauren May, a 2021 ACE Reform Leaders’ Summit program completer, has exemplified the power of seizing opportunities through her impactful career in K-12 education.


Lauren May's life and career demonstrate the transformative power of embracing opportunities. Along with being a mother and a proud graduate of the University of Florida, May currently serves as the Director of Advocacy at Step Up for Students. In this role, she acts as an intermediary between policy and families. “I work with schools, parents, and providers to help share their stories. I also serve as the Catholic School Liaison, working closely with the seven Catholic school superintendents in Florida,” she explained.Lauren May with class

Though May has spent her entire professional career in education, her original plan was quite different. “When I was in college, I planned to go to law school because my parents are lawyers,” she recalled. This changed when she said “yes” to a volunteer opportunity that altered her career trajectory. May said, “As a student at the University of Florida, the Catholic Church on campus was looking for volunteers to teach Sunday school, and I signed up.” Once she started teaching, May fell in love with the profession. From tutoring elementary school students in reading to teaching swim classes, May developed a passion for teaching, especially in Catholic schools.

After graduation, May began her professional career at St. Pius Catholic School in Jacksonville, Florida, starting as a kindergarten teacher and eventually serving as principal. She then transitioned from school leadership to policy, working at Step Up For Students. This career move allowed her to say “yes” to Catholic education at a systematic level. 

Step Up for Students logo

Step Up For Students is the largest scholarship-granting organization in the country, whose mission greatly benefits the Catholic education sector. “This school year (2023-24), we provided over $700 million to our Catholic schools in Florida,” May noted. Due to her efforts, enrollment in Florida Catholic schools has consistently increased, even as Catholic school enrollment has declined in many other states. May attributes this success to the quality of Catholic schools and the robust school choice environment in Florida. “Florida is seeing a lot of enrollment growth in our Catholic schools because they are mission-aligned and because families have access to scholarships, making tuition affordable,” she explained.

Lauren May’s “yes” to Catholic schools has already made a significant impact in Florida. Her decision to participate in the University of Notre Dame’s Reform Leaders’ Summit (RLS) is now helping her make an impact on a national level. Upon joining RLS, May said, “I wanted to understand education reform from a national perspective. I met amazing people in the cohort who taught me a lot about education reform efforts in other states.” May credits the Summit with broadening her knowledge of the K-12 education policy landscape and increasing her understanding of the school choice movement: “It opened my eyes to the broader education reform landscape. I learned more about school choice on a national level and collaborated with others.”

May leans on her Catholic faith as she considers the future of the education reform movement. As she explained, “My hope is that every family in America will have the power to choose the education that best fits their child’s needs. We're getting closer to the Catechism’s call for every family to be able to choose the educational option that is optimal for their unique children." 

Saying “yes” to various opportunities throughout her life has allowed Lauren May to be a changemaker in education. For those considering the Reform Leaders’ Summit, May offers this advice: “RLS is an excellent way to educate yourself on the national landscape, educational policy, and the future trajectory of education reform. It’s a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with people you might not otherwise meet.”

At ACE, we are grateful for Lauren May’s continued “yes” to Catholic education and the Reform Leaders’ Summit.


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