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Positive Parent Participation

Positive Parent Participation

The Program for Inclusive Education (PIE) is grateful to have mission-driven inclusive educators participate in the PIE cohort program. Across the years, our cohorts have been blessed with diverse participants...

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Rejecting the Reflexive Response of "No"

The Program for Inclusive Education (PIE) is pleased to share the following piece from Kevin Baxter. Dr. Baxter has served as a principal and superintendent in Los Angeles, and now...

ND Career Fair

The Table Between Us

After deciding to enroll in the Mendoza College of Business, I was immediately advised to go to as many career fairs, conferences, and networking opportunities as possible. I was apprehensive...

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Goals for 2022 in Grade 2

As we work into this still-new year, I can’t help but look back on where I’ve been as a second grade teacher in New York these past two years and...

NCEA PIE Blog - Meeting the Needs of Students Post-Pandemic

Meeting the Needs of Students Post-Pandemic

The pandemic has interrupted students’ learning and impacted our achievement. This disruption increases students’ needs, but there are practical solutions to overcome them. The Program for Inclusive Education (PIE) is...

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