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Life in the City

Perhaps the best part about living in Baton Rouge is the uniqueness of the local culture – from the food to Mardi Gras parades to crawfish boils to Cajun accents. Just outside the city, you end up in bayou country; the swamp tours are not to be missed!

ACE Baton Rouge

HometownSydney Brown

Roy, UT

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Psychology

What do you love most about your ACE school? Why? 

I love the love my kids at Redemptorist bring to school every day. They come to school excited and ready to learn, but more than anything, they want to take the school day as an opportunity to know their peers better, grow more into their own selves, and give the teachers just as much love as teachers give them back. 


HometownLaine Finegan

Rockville Ctr, NY

Undergraduate Institution

Fordham University 

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: English

What are you looking forward to the most in ACE this year?

I am so excited to meet my students and foster a love of literature!

HometownHenry Jacobs

Big Sky, MT

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Economics

What is one of your favorite memories from your first year in ACE? 

I was giving a test one day, and a student came up to me and told me that it was her birthday. In my classroom, there are a collection of hats that students get to choose to wear on their birthday if they would like. So this student wore an alligator hat for the entirety of the test. This put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. 


HometownAaron Kornaker

Wadsworth, OH

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: Neuroscience & Behavior

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

I wanted to make a difference and put good into the world.

HometownTJ Whapham

Crystal Lake, IL

Undergraduate Degree

Marquette University

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: Philosophy

How do you hope to grow in your experience as an ACE Teacher?

I hope to better understand my faith and find what I am called to do.

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