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Life in the City

We are excited to welcome our ACErs to Milwaukee this year! Located on the shore of Lake Michigan, Milwaukee is the most populous city in Wisconsin and home of the birth place of Harley-Davidson Motor Company.  

ACE Milwaukee

HometownAudrey Buller

Arvada, CO

Undergraduate Institution

Gonzaga University

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Education

Minor: Comprehensive Leadership Studies

If you had to pick just one word to describe your ACE experience so far, what would it be?

Fulfilling. Teaching 9th grade has been perhaps the most fulfilling experience of my life. Their eagerness and curiosity helps make me a better educator, and I am looking forward to returning to Milwaukee in the fall to greet them (and new ones) again.

HometownMark Cheffers

Winchendon, MA

Undergraduate Institution

Catholic University of America

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Business Administration

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

Serving in Catholic Schools is where I feel God's presence most clearly.

HometownGenevieve Mohr

San Francisco, CA

Undergraduate Institution

Villanova University

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Economics

What are you looking forward to the most in ACE this year?

I am excited to engage with the beautiful community of St. Roman Parish School and learn from my fellow teachers, students, and mentors.

HometownLewis Nazarian

Charlotte, NC

Undergraduate Institution

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Music

Minor: History 

What do you love most about your ACE school? Why?  

I love the students! Mary Queen of Saints feels like a family, and they welcomed me with open arms.

HometownLuke Speicher

Notre Dame, IN

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Neuroscience & Behavior

How do you hope to grow in your experience as an ACE teacher?

From the students, community, and challenges that will be encountered. I'm excited for growth and change, and to increase in my capacity for compassion for others.

HometownCarolyn Wiedenhoft

Rockville Centre, NY

Undergraduate Institution

Fordham University

Undergraduate Studies

Major: History

How do you hope to grow in your experience as an ACE teacher?

I hope to grow confidently into my new role as a teacher, but also as a community member of my cohort and Milwaukee. With the support of the ACE team and my classmates, I hope to be a positive and reliable figure for my students.

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