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Life in the City

The city is the Midwest of California in terms of friendliness. The location is unbeatable being so close to the mountains, ocean, wine country and the Red Woods. The weather is awesome—best of all ACE communities!

ACE Sacramento

HometownSienna DeGross

Silver Spring, MD

Undergraduate Institution

Catholic University of America

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Psychology

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

I attended Catholic school my whole life and because of it, I discovered my passion of service. I had the ability to grow in my faith, and receive a great education. I believe in the great impact a Catholic education and environment has on children/young adults. So it is a huge honor to be a part of the process.

HometownMike Dion

East Haven, CT

Undergraduate Institution

Providence College

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Mathematics

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

I have wanted to be a teacher my whole life and I was inspired by many teachers I've had in my years in Catholic school. I said yes to ACE so that I can be that role model to my future students.

HometownAidan Doyle

Elma, NY

Undergraduate Institution

Loyola University Chicago

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: Mathematics and Secondary Education

If you had to pick one word to describe your ACE experience thus far, what would it be? Why?  

I would describe my ACE experience as "bright." My students and my coworkers have been such a light in my life, which is reinforced in my school's call to prayer which ends in "We are the light of the world." Of course, I am also lucky to be placed in sunny Sacramento, California!

HometownLydia Sandy

San Diego, CA

Undergraduate Institution

Santa Clara University

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: Religious Studies & Child Studies
Minor: Urban Education

If you had to pick one word to describe your ACE experience thus far, what would it be? Why?  

Yay! - I would say “Yay” because being a teacher has been something I’ve always wanted to do and being in ACE is helping that dream come true!

HometownEmma Sayler

Ormond Beach, FL

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Psychology

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

My first experience in a Catholic school was in college, and I was amazed by the powerful integration of faith and academics. I want my students to feel loved and know that they are meant to create goodness in the world, and I think that Catholic education has the power to foster those beliefs.

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