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Life in the City

Tulsa's close proximity to the Arkansas River and Ozark Mountains is exciting for all outdoor enthusiasts. The artists are also sure to enjoy the city, which is known for museums, ballet and opera companies, and architecture. 

ACE Tulsa

HometownSarah Conley

Plainfield, IL

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Chemical Engineering

How do you hope to grow in your experience as an ACE teacher?

As an ACE teacher, I hope to grow by being involved in my school and parish community, inside and outside of the classroom. I aim to form relationships with each of my students and create a classroom where everyone feels comfortable being true to themselves, learning from each other, and growing as students and as children of God.

HometownAidan Couch

South Bend, IN

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Economics

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

I wanted to work for more than just myself, and I knew I wanted Christ to be at the center of my work.

HometownBrennan Denzel

Clover, SC

Undergraduate Institution

Boston College

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Computer Science

Minors: Education and Theology

What do you love most about your ACE school? Why?  

The students. My middle schoolers are hilarious. While they keep me on my toes, they are each capable of more than they think. It is an honor to help them realize and pursue that potential.


HometownNathan Shemwell

Tuscaloosa, AL

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: Mathematics and Economics

What do you love most about your ACE school? Why?

I appreciate the sense of community I have with my coworkers!

HometownKatelyn Tran

Dallas, TX

Undergraduate Institution

Southern Methodist University

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Biological Sciences

If you had to pick just one word to describe your ACE experience so far, what would it be? 

My one word would be fulfilling. Through the time I've had with my students in classroom, with the people I have met through ACE and through my school, and with the opportunities I've had in living out my faith, ACE has brought to me so many ways to experience immeasurable joy and purpose in my daily life.

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