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Life in the City

ACE Austin can be found keeping it caliente on Sixth Street, floating down the Guadalupe River, catching a live show in the city, exploring a dive restaurant, walking around UT, or taking a drive to visit the other TexACE communities.​​​​​​​

ACE Austin

HometownAnastasia Adams

Lander, WY

Undergraduate Institution

Benedictine College

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: English

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

I love our Catholic faith and the opportunity to share it with our students was just too wonderful to pass up!

HometownMontana Garcia

Altoona, WI

Undergraduate Institution

Creighton University

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Social Work

If you had to pick one word to describe your ACE experience thus far, what would it be? Why?  

Joyful. I have found so much joy in my community this past year! My community members are always there for me when I need them most!

HometownColleen Mackin

Jacksonville, FL

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Majors: English

Why did you say "yes" to serving children in Catholic schools through ACE?

I said "yes" to serving in ACE because I believe that every person deserves quality education. Learning is an integral part of life which I hope to help cultivate within my students. I hope to give the gifts of knowledge and love of learning that I have received from my own educators back to the students I will be serving over these next two years.

HometownKarlaes Morales

Jersey City, NJ

Undergraduate Institution

Yale University

Undergraduate Studies

Major: Mechanical Engineering

What do you love most about your ACE school? Why?

What I love most about my ACE school is my students. I love teaching my students and spending time with them. They are what makes me want to come to school every day.

HometownShane Stanton

Morristown, NJ

Undergraduate Institution

University of Notre Dame

Undergraduate Studies

Major: English

What are you looking forward to the most in ACE this year?  

I'm looking forward to connecting with my students and fellow community members. I'm also looking forward to immersing myself with Austin culture and experiencing the many things the city has to offer.


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